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Vancouver City Savings Credit Union Audio ATM Locations – British Columbia

The following table of Vancouver City Savings audio ATM’s are arranged alphabetically by city within the province of British Columbia. Each listing includes the branch name and address. All audio ATM’s listed below offer full functionality versus Cash Counters. Cash counters dispense cash only and are not capable of accepting deposits to any account.

At present, Vancouver City Savings is testing only two of their ATM terminals with Voice Guidance capabilities. The two locations are listed below. Once testing is complete, it is their intention to offer audio capabilities at all of their ATM terminals.

Note to JAWS Users: Press the JAWS (Insert) key + F6 to create a list of cities that offer audio ATM’s within the province. Arrow up or down through the list to find the city you wish to review and press “Enter” to select your choice. You can also jump directly to a city by pressing the first letter in its name and then pressing “Enter” on your choice. Once selected, scroll through the table using your down or up arrow to review the details of each location.

Note to Window-Eyes Users: You can scroll through the cities on this page by first pressing number 3 and then the letter h to move from city to city. You can then down arrow through the list of locations within that city to determine which one is closest to you or the installation that best suits your needs.


VanCity Center Branch 90 Terminal Avenue FULL FUNCTION

Please be aware that during the testing phase, of the two terminals at the VanCity Center location, it is the left-hand ATM terminal that is equipped with the Voice Guidance feature.

Fairview Community Branch 501 West 10th Avenue (at Cambie) FULL FUNCTION