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  • In the Spring of 1999, The Disability Unit at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, started a mailing list “ACA-BLIND”, for blind and visually impaired students and academics (especially those in Africa) who wish to talk about access to literature, adaptive technology, and other tertiary educational issues affecting blind people.

    The impetus behind the ACA-BLIND emailing list is the need of blind and visually impaired students and academics to have access to a pool of specialised knowledge, experience, advice and exchange of ideas. This list, a first of its kind in South Africa, is not heavily moderated, but should serve as a springboard to varied academic access discussions, including (but not limited to) access to literature, adaptive technology, and the broader activities of academic institutions.

    To subscribe to the ACA-Blind listserv, send an email message to ACA-BLIND (Students/Academics – Africa) listserv and type:SUBSCRIBE ACA-BLIND in the BODY of your message.​

  • ACCESS-l is an open form for the free and unmoderated discussion of access. This discussion can be either a technical one, as related to computers, or a more general discussion of any aspect of accessibility. It is not, however, limited and topics of general interest to the group are encouraged. Although the original emphasis of ACCESS-l was the discussion of all aspects of computer access for the blind and visually impaired, and many of the list’s subscribers are persons with a “disability”, all interested parties are more than welcome to participate. The intent is for everyone to enjoy themselves and not to feel alienated or singled out.

    To subscribe to the ACCESS-l listserv, send an email message to ACCESS-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE ACCESS-l in the BODY of your message.​

  • The AERNET distribution list exists to enable members of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, to share ideas, receive up dates on important issues which affect members, and communicate with colleagues about issues related to serving the needs of individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

    To subscribe to the AERNET listserv, send an E-mail message to AERNET (Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE AERNET firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • ER is a 5,000 member-driven organization. In addition to the basic membership (which includes membership in the national organization as well as the Chapter in your region), an AER member may also choose to belong to one of 18 Divisions each tailored to serving the needs of persons who are blind or visually impaired. Information about AER membership and benefits can be obtained when you contact AER’s central office by E-mail.​

  • The AGING-VISION list has been established to promote the sharing of information about providing service to older adults with vision loss through the aging network, the rehabilitation system, and the health care system.

    AGING-VISION is sponsored by the American Foundation for the Blind’s National Aging and Vision Network. The list will be used for Network updates, legislative alerts, discussion of policy and program developments, conference announcements, and other information that subscribers would like to communicate. The list is open to anyone with an e-mail address who wishes to subscribe. It is hoped it will provide an arena for cross-fertilization between National Aging and Vision Network members and people in the aging and health care fields.

    To subscribe to the AGING-VISION listserv, send an email message to AGING-VISION listserv, leave the subject line blank and type SUBSCRIBE AGING-VISION in the body of your message.​

  • ABLA is the discussion list of the American Blind Lawyers Association. It serves as a conduit for the discussion of the assistive technology and other practice techniques used by blind and visually impaired attorneys to improve their practices.

    To subscribe to American Blind Lawyers Association listserv, send an E-mail message to ABLA (American Blind Lawyers Association) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE ABLA firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • ASTER-l is an emailing list dedicated to the discussion of AsTeR- the Audio System for Technical Readings, a computer-based system which renders technical documents into audio.

    To subscribe to ASTER-l listserv, send an E-mail message to ASTER-l (Audio System for Technical Readings) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE ASTER-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”, leaving the subject line blank.​

  • At the Market is For persons who are blind who wish to learn about new products in stores, such as Food items, household items, instructions for use and recommendations on accessibility.

    To subscribe to At the Market listserv, send an E-mail message to At the Market listserv..​

  • AUDIODESCL is a list dedicated to the discussion of Audio Description, an evolving art which makes performance and public events accessible to the blind and those with low vision or visual impairments. AUDIODESCL allows describers, consumers, presenters, and others the opportunity to explore new techniques, share problems and creative solutions, and to create a network in the international community now exploring description services.

    AUDIODESCL, therefore, serves as a discussion group for those interested in audio description, the process of providing aural information about performance and other public events for the blind, the visually impaired, and those with low vision. Contributors include: users of audio description, audio describers, and anyone who is interested in issues of accessibility. AUDIODESCL is housed at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, which coordinates audio description services throughout Ohio for theatres, dance and opera companies, movie series, art exhibitions, and other events.

    To subscribe to AUDIODESCL listserv, send an E-mail message to AUDIODESCL (Audio Description) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE AUDIODESCL firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • Audacity is a piece of recording software which is becoming more blind friendly as new releases come out.  This list helps you to demystify Audacity.  Please come and join us.

    To subscribe to the Audacity listserv, send an E-mail message to AUDACITY listserv and put the word subscribe into the subject line of your message.​

  • BASR-l is a professional listserv for the discussion of issues relating to web access by persons with vision loss. The main focus of BASR-l is to improve the access that blind people have to the World Wide Web. (It is not a list for support on existing products and features, since other lists, such as ACCESS-l, BLIND-l, GUISpeak, WEBWATCH-l, and Lynx-learners, amongst others, already provide that service.)

    BASR-l aims at promoting dialogue between blind individuals, web professionals, adaptive technology industry professionals, software developers, and other individuals interested in improving blind people’s access to the web.

    If you are a blind consumer interested in working with browser companies to develop an understanding of how blind people could use browsers most effectively, you are invited to join BASR-l. If you are a professional associated with the development of web and browser technology, and would like to help blind people gain the best access possible to the web, you are invited to join BASR-l. You will learn how blind people use computers to access information they usually can’t get any other way. Access to the web by persons with vision loss will not succeed without the active participation of professionals from the industry that brings web browsers to market. If you are an access technology developer or professional who is interested in developing approaches for World Wide Web access, you are invited to join BASR-l. This listserve would be an excellent forum for developing mutual strategies with browser developers. Your experience in providing blind people access to information technology will be invaluable to this group’s efforts. Researchers in these or associated fields, interested in testing the limits of non-visual web browsing, are invited to join BASR-l. You will learn about the practical opportunities available in non-visual information technology today. And, we need your vision of a better tomorrow to insure the best browsing products possible.

    To subscribe to BASR-l listserv, send an E-mail message to BASR-l (Web Accessibility) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BASR-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.

  • BCAB is the emailing list of the British Computer Association of the Blind. Membership in BCAB is not, however, a prerequisite for subscribing to this list.

    The British Computer Association of the Blind (BCAB) was formed in 1969 and gained company and charitable status in 1995. The objectives of the Association are to promote the special needs and interests of the visually impaired who either work in the computing field or have an active interest in computing. Particular emphasis is given to the advancement of education and provision of specially adapted training/courses through the use and application of computing and information technology. BCAB has approximately 200 members and the diversity of experience represented by the membership means that the Association can lend effective support to those seeking help and advice. The Association is affiliated to the British Computer Society and has close links with the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB).

    To subscribe to the BCAB listserv, send an email message to BCAB (British Computer Association of the Blind) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BCAB in the body of your message, leaving the subject line blank.​

  • Advertisements (personal and some commercial) for blindness-related products and services. New or used, buy, sell or trade. Product release information and off-list competitive bidding.

    To subscribe to BlindAd listserv, send an E-mail message to BLINDAD listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BlindAd firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • The BlindAdult mailing list is for blind adults (i.e. those over 18 years of age). Almost any topic is welcome on BlindAdult, but the list’s primary focus is on dating and relationships. The listowner, Jeff Knight, founded BlindAdult because he believes that “those of us who are blind have some unique concerns/perspectives related to these topics that are not always addressed on other lists. It is my hope that this list will provide a safe, fun, and friendly place for blind and visually impaired people to share their experiences, questions, and concerns about these often embarrassing topics.”

    To subscribe to the BlindAdult listserv, send an email message to BLIND ADULT listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLINDADULT in the body of your message.​

  • BlindBlackMen is a place where blind and visually impaired men of color can voice their opinions and share ideas, links, and information that is either entertaining, informative, and/or helpful. This group is a small select section of a larger ring of E-mail communities for blind and visually impaired computer users. This group is designed to be more organized, and more specifically targetted, than larger, more general emailing lists dedicated to the discussion of blindness-related topics.

    To subscribe to the BlindBlackMen listserv, send an email message to BLIND BLACK MEN listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BlindBlackMen in the body of your message.

    Individual posts to BlindBlackMen, from September 1999 to the present, are archived by eGroups.COM. Note that, while you must first be subscribed to BlindBlackMen in order to post to the list, you do not need to be subscribed to the list in order to peruse or search the BlindBlackMen hyperarchive. Visit search the Blind Black Men hyperarchive.

  • BlindCook is intended primarily for blind cooks, and will cover recipes and the methods blind cooks use to prepare food; and may even extend into the realm of kitchen gadgets that will make cooking easier.

    To subscribe to the BlindCook listserv, send an email message to BLIND COOK listserv and leave the subject line of your message blank.

    BlindCook is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the Blind Cook hyperarchive.

  • BLIND-CS is an emailing list designed for college students and professionals in the computer industry. Specific areas of discussion are programming, networking, system maintenance, etc. BLIND-CS is intended to serve as a forum for discussing problems encountered in these areas by blind users and solutions to these problems.

    To subscribe to the BLIND-CS listserv, send an email message to BLIND-CS (College Students) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-CS in the body of your message.

    Individual posts to BLIND-CS, from July 1999 to the present, are archived by eGroups.COM. Note that, while you must first be subscribed to BLIND-CS in order to post to the list, you do not need to be subscribed to the list in order to peruse or search the BLIND-CS hyperarchive. You can search the Blind-CS hyperarchive.

  • BlinDate is a support list dedicated to the discussion of dating and relationships from a blind and visually impaired perspective. The main thrust of the list is to provide blind and sighted people with a way to exchange feelings and techniques for dealing with the complications of dating and relationships. Please be VERY discrete when talking about anything of a sexual nature or content. There is a list named BlindAdult, more suited to such topics of discussion. The focus of this list, BlinDate, is on feelings regarding dating and relationships.

    To subscribe to the BlinDate listserv, send a blank email message to BLIND DATE listserv and leave the subject line of your message blank.

  • The purpose of BLIND-DEV is to serve as a catalyst which will both spur and speed the development of software which will enable the blind user to use emerging technologies, platforms, operating systems, and applications as they are developed, so that access is built-in, rather than retrofitted.

    BLIND-DEV, therefore, is a conduit through which software developers and users–whatever their area of interest, level of expertise, operating system and/or hardware platform of choice–are able to dialogue, brainstorm, and educate one another. While BLIND-DEV is intended as a technologically oriented list, list “lurkers” are also welcome to monitor this dialogue.

    Topics of discussion will include, but not be limited to:

    • Design strategies
    • Accessibility APIs, such as MSAA and the JAVA Accessibility API
    • Text-to-speech API’s, such as SSIL and SAPI
    • Off-screen models (OSMs)
    • Braille output API’s
    • Relevant operating system issues

    To subscribe to Blind-Dev listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND-DEV (Blind Developers) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-DEV firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.

    The list and its monthly archives are public. BLIND-DEV is also automatically hyperarchived. You can search the BLIND-DEV hyperarchive.

  • The Blind-Diet list is designed to meet the specific needs of blind and visually impaired individuals who are striving toward a healthier lifestyle. Other interested individuals are welcome.

    To subscribe to Blind-Diet listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND DIET listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-DIET in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.​

  • BLIND-ETC is a list dedicated to the discussion of everything and anything not covered by the other lists. Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to:

    • Discussions about accessing the various operating systems (Windows 95/NT, DOS, OS/2, UNIX, etc.)Questions on programs, software, hardware and materials related to all of the above.
    • Product sales announcements and news in the world of blindness.
      Discussions of current events and comments about living in the world today.
    • Passing on of information concerning hot ideas or deals for software or services that you may encounter.
    • Web access topics and Browser discussions (this topic is especially encouraged! Do you need help or advice? Have you found a great web site which is especially accessible? You are invited to share it in this forum!)
    • Sharing of your favorite tips and tricks for accessing programs, browsers, web sites or more!

    To subscribe to Blind-Etc listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND-ETC listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-ETC firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.

    Messages posted to BLIND-ETC are automatically archived in a searchable hypertext format. You can search the BLIND-ETC hyperarchive.

  • Blind Eudora listserv is a forum for persons who use Eudora as an E-mail client in conjunction with screen reading software.

    To subscribe to the Blind Eudora listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND EUDORA listserv and put the word subscribe into the subject line of your message.​

  • BLINDFAM, the “blindness and family life discussion list” is dedicated to the discussion of the everyday life experiences of blind persons, their family members, and friends. BLINDFAM is a forum for discussions of all aspects of family life as they are affected by the blindness of one or more family members, and welcomes discussion of any topic directly related to how blindness has, is, or will be affecting your family life. All family members are invited to join including spouses, parents, and children of a blind individual as well as any blind person.

    Topics appropriate for discussion on this list:

    • How does a blind parent change a baby, check for rash, etc.
    • Parenting questions or situations involving a blind family member
    • Wood working for the blind child or adult
    • How to minimize blindisms
    • Crafts that a blind child or adult can do well and enjoy
    • Situations at school involving you as a blind parent or your blind child
    • Dating a blind person–questions or situations to discuss
    • How does a blind adult pay bills, file papers, write checks, etc.
    • How can the blind member of your family select clothes that match
    • How to teach your blind child to play a musical instrument
    • How can a blind child play sports like football
    • How to label grocery items so that you know what you are opening
    • How do blind people cook, clean the house, shop, etc.
    • Expectations of the blind family member by family or others
    • Awkward situations
    • Vacation activities that the whole family can enjoy
    • Reading stories to a blind or sighted child
    • Helping your blind child with homework
    • How can a blind parent help a sighted child with his/her homework
    • When should mobility training for your child start
    • What tasks or chores should a blind child or adult be expected to do
    • The blind parent or child and table manners
    • Gardening with a blind child or adult
    • Services for a blind child or adult and where to find them
    • Games and toys blind children enjoy or have trouble playing
    • Coping with depression in the blind child or adult
    • How does a blind teanager apply makeup
    • Situations involving blindness that upset other family members
    • And millions of other similar topics

    Most any situation in your everyday life in which blindness plays a significant role could be a topic for discussion. Especially welcome are topics that other BLINDFAM members can identify with. Descriptions of yourself and your family are always welcome.

    To subscribe to Blindfam listserv, send an E-mail message to BLINDFAM (Blind Families) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLINDFAM firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • Blind-Friends is a list for blind people to make friends and share ideas and problems. It doesn’t matter weather the problems are computer related, work related, or just something a person is having trouble with or wants to share.

    To subscribe to Blind Friends listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND FRIENDS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE Blind-Friends in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.​

  • Blind-Global is an emailing list for people with a vision impairment from anywhere in the world, who wishes to share information, have a laugh, and generally have fun with other visually impaired persons.

    To subscribe to Blind Global listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND GLOBAL listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE Blind-Global in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.​

  • Blind-Hams is an emaling list dedicated to the discussion of ham radio as it affects blind persons and of blind ham radio operation.

    To subscribe to Blind Hams listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND HAMS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-HAMS in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.​

  • BLIND-ISSUES is an emailing list dedicated to the free and open discussion of what is happening in the social and political world of the blind and visually impaired. According to Cathy Murtha, co-owner of the BLIND-ISSUES listserv, many things affect the lives of the blind and visually impaired in everyday life. With this in mind, she thought a list which dealt with the major issues of the day would be a welcome addition to the lists specifically designed for the blind and visually impaired.

    Topics which bog down and consume other email lists, such as blindness-related organizations and their goals, policies, conventions, and treatment of social issues; transportation issues specific to the blind; and discrimination shown by society toward the blind, are welcome on BLIND-ISSUES, as is the general anger and frustration which may be a part of every day life, and whatever else makes you a little hot under the collar.

    She wants BLIND-ISSUES to be a list where you can vent your frustrations or a place to find a sympathetic ear. If you are in the mood for a spirited debate, BLIND-ISSUES can accommodate!

    To subscribe to Blind Issues listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND ISSUES listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-ISSUES firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • BLINDJOB exists to facillitate the discussion of employment issues and opportunities for the blind and visually impaired. BLINDJOB is intended to promote discussion on any and every aspect of employment as it relates to blind people. Blind job-seekers are encouraged to post a “cover letter” to the list, for potential employers to read and potential employers are encourage to post job openings which might be of interest to BLINDJOB subscribers.

    Other issues which are appropriate topics of discussion on BLINDJOB include: the accessibility of jobs, creative ways of making jobs accessible, problems which people face in getting jobs due to their blindness, problems employers face in hiring blind people, etc.

    To subscribe to Blind Jobs listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND JOBS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLINDJOB firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • BlindKid is sponsored by the National Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC), a division of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). The purpose of BlindKid is twofold. First, the BlindKid list is intended to foster the sharing of information between people interested in the welfare and development of blind children. Secondly, BlindKid is a means of communication between members and supporters of NOPBC, to promote and discuss its activities–such as the Braille Readers, are Leaders contest; Future Reflections, and the like. There will also be occasional posts concerning issues of major importance to the blind as well as announcements concerning activities of NOPBC and of NFB.

    To subscribe to Blind Kid listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND KID listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BlindKid in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.​

  • BLIND-l: Non-GUI Computer Use by and for the Blind. Speech synthesizer not speaking to you? Refreshable braille display need refreshing? Scanner not scanning? If you’ve got problems, BLIND-l has the answers… With over 500 subscribers worldwide, someone’s bound to be able to help.

    To subscribe to Blind-l listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND-l (Non-GUI computer use by and for the Blind) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • The BlindLaw mailing list, is a project of the National Association of Blind Lawyers (NABL), a division of the National Federation of the Blind. The list serves at least two purposes. First, it is a place where individuals and organizations can ask legal questions. The list will be monitored by members of NABL and they hope to help people with matters connected to the law and blindness, such as ADA questions and the like. Secondly, the list is a vehicle for members of the National Association of Blind Lawyers to stay in contact with each other and with individuals working in or interested in the legal field./p>

    To subscribe to Blind Law listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND LAW listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLINDLAW in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.​

  • If you are a user of Lotus Notes, or if you are helping someone who is blind use Lotus Notes, or just want to share experiences with this package, this list is for you. Blind-Notes is a list intended for blind users of Lotus Notes. If you are using Lotus Notes and want to share your personal experiences, or if you are assisting (or have assisted) a blind individual configure or use Lotus Notes, you are strongly encouraged to subscribe to Blind-Notes.

    To subscribe to Blind Notes listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND NOTES listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE Blind-Notes in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.

    Blind Notes is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the Blind Notes hyperarchive.

  • BlindNWS offers a digest of blindness-related postings culled from various lists.

    To subscribe to Blind NWS listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND NWS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLINDNWS firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • Blind-Parents is an emailing list for parents who themselves are blind, and who wish to discuss topics related to parenthood. The sharing of resources and solutions to problems is the focus of discussion on Blind-Parents.

    To subscribe to Blind Parents listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND PARENTS listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank.​

  • Blind Programming has been created for adaptive software users programming in any language, especially in the GUI environment. Whether you’re interested in writing software in C/C++, Basic, Pascal, Java, HTML, Unix, or any other environment, or if you’re experienced in any language, please consider sharing your experience and knowledge on this list. You don’t have to have a degree in Computer Science, just an interest in writing code, whether it is for your personal use, or for release in the shareware or commercial market.

    Some general topics of discussion on the BlindProgramming list include, but are not limited to:

    • Accessible documentation for compilers, linkers, debuggers, Integrated Development Environments (IDE), or just plain code editors in DOS, Windows, Unix, or any other OS’s
    • Training and Tutorials on different languages.
    • Tips and hints on what works with speech, and what doesn’t.
    • Sounding board of experience that users not so experienced can bounce source code/troublesome routines off of for suggestions and corrections.
    • Personal reviews on the latest development tools, and their friendliness.

    As long as the topic deals with development in any way, shape, or form, then it will be considered on topic, so if you’ve got a question, don’t hesitate to ask–even if you’re not totally sure it is relevant. And, if you see a question that you can answer, or a situation you can comment on, please do!

    To subscribe to the Blind Programming listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND PROGRAMMING listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank.​

  • Blind-Parents is an emailing list for parents who themselves are blind, and who wish to discuss topics related to parenthood. The sharing of resources and solutions to problems is the focus of discussion on Blind-Parents.

    To subscribe to Blind Parents listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND PARENTS listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank.​

  • Blind Programming has been created for adaptive software users programming in any language, especially in the GUI environment. Whether you’re interested in writing software in C/C++, Basic, Pascal, Java, HTML, Unix, or any other environment, or if you’re experienced in any language, please consider sharing your experience and knowledge on this list. You don’t have to have a degree in Computer Science, just an interest in writing code, whether it is for your personal use, or for release in the shareware or commercial market.

    Some general topics of discussion on the BlindProgramming list include, but are not limited to:

    • Accessible documentation for compilers, linkers, debuggers, Integrated Development Environments (IDE), or just plain code editors in DOS, Windows, Unix, or any other OS’s
    • Training and Tutorials on different languages.
    • Tips and hints on what works with speech, and what doesn’t.
    • Sounding board of experience that users not so experienced can bounce source code/troublesome routines off of for suggestions and corrections.
    • Personal reviews on the latest development tools, and their friendliness.

    As long as the topic deals with development in any way, shape, or form, then it will be considered on topic, so if you’ve got a question, don’t hesitate to ask–even if you’re not totally sure it is relevant. And, if you see a question that you can answer, or a situation you can comment on, please do!

    To subscribe to the Blind Programming listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND PROGRAMMING listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank.

  • Blind Singles is a forum for the blind and others who are interested to look for that special someone. discuss romance, dating, how to meet people, and methods and strategies for getting acquainted with others.

    To subscribe to the Blind Singles listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND SINGLES listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE Blind-Singles in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.

    Blind Singles is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the Blind Singles hyperarchive.

  • BLINDSUM is, as its name implies, a summary of topics which are being discussed on blindness-related lists. By subscribing to BLINDSUM, you can find out what is being discussed on the many blindness-related mailing lists, newsgroups, forums, etc. to which you are not subscribed. Members of BLINDSUM do not post to the list; instead, they receive postings from BLINDSUM.

    To subscribe to the BlindSum listserv, send an E-mail message to BLINDSUM listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLINDSUM firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • Blind-Teens is intended as a forum where blind teenagers can discuss anything blindness-related with people their own age. is also intended as a forum through which blind teenagers can simply share ideas and make friends.

    To subscribe to the Blind Teens listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND TEENS listserv and type:     SUBSCRIBE Blind-Teens in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • BLINDTLK exists to facilitate the discussion of general topics of interest to blind and visually impaired persons, their friends and relatives, and anyone else who is interested in blindness and visual impairments. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, computers and adaptive access technology, Braille and Braille literacy, cane travel, Guide Dogs, alternative techniques of blindness, training centers, etc.

    BLINDTLK is sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind, and “is intended to promote the positive philosophy of blindness developed and promoted by the National Federation of the Blind.” BLINDTLK also provides users with access to the resources and information provided by the International Braille and Technology Center for the Blind, the world’s largest demonstration and evaluation center for computer technology used by blind persons.

    To subscribe to the BlindTlk listserv, send an E-mail message to BLINDTLK (Blind Talk) listserv and type: subscribe blindtlk in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • BlindTrek, as its name implies, is a discussion list for blind Star Trek fans.

    To subscribe to the Blind Trek listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND TREK listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BlindTrek in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.

    Blind Trek is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the Blind Trek hyperarchive. ​

  • BlindWithSight is a list for people who are classified as legally blind, but who have some sight. According to the list’s founder, Merv Keck: “I called [the list] BlindWithSight because I don’t know how to identify myself. Am I partially blind or partially sighted? Which world do I fit in? The totally blind tell me I’m sighted and I don’t understand. The sighted call me blind, and put me in a box.”

    This list is for discussion of issues, stories, experiences, and anything else related to those who are “blind” with some sight.

    To subscribe to the Blind With Sight listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND WITH SIGHT listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank. ​

  • Blind-X, is a forum open to blind and sighted people alike. It has not been formed to compete with other blindness-related mailing lists but will serve as just one more avenue of information exchange among blind computer users. Blind-X is not restricted to computer-related discussions but anything blindness-related. Cross postings of information, for sale items, questions and answers, product information, belly aching and complaining, help and tips, software, the proes and cons of anything blind related, where to find the best talking watch or web sight, and just about anything else one might wish to discuss is more than welcome on BLIND-X. If, on the other hand, a discussion begins to take on a life of its own, and if that discussion just so happens to be the main focus of a mailing list set aside for that topic, the moderator will suggest it be move to that list. In this way, BLIND-X is designed to facilitate discussion on topics unrelated to, or not covered by, other mailing lists.

    To subscribe to the Blind-X listserv, send an E-mail message to BLIND-X listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLIND-X firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.

    Blind-X is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the Blind-X hyperarchive. ​

  • BLINKMART is a list designed to give the visually impaired user a means of advertising his or her used equipment for the purposes of selling or trading. BLINKMART is a moderated list, which means that only legitimate posts will be distributed to list members. This saves you from having to wade through off-topic gripes, complaints, and viewpoints that would be better placed on other mailing lists in order to find out what other blind and visually impaired users are offering to sell or swap.

    To subscribe to the Blink Mart listserv, send an E-mail message to BLINK MART listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BLINKMART firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • BLINUX-lIST is a moderated forum dedicated to develop support for blind users of the free operating system, Linux. The purpose of BLINUX-lIST is to serve as a catalyst which will both spur and speed the development of software which will enable the blind user to run his or her own Linux workstation his or herself. One of the first steps in this direction is the compilation of HOWTO documentation files, in a wide variety of formats and languages, which will enable blind, visually impaired, deaf-blind, and low-vision users to install LINUX on their computers themselves. To find out more about this aspect of the BLINUX project, please read Michael dela Rue’s position paper.

    So, who should subscribe to BLINUX-lIST and why? Well, if you are a software developer with spare time (is there such a creature?) who is interested in facilitating support for blind users of Linux, BLINUX-lIST is the place to exchange ideas, announce new software and trouble-shooting strategies, and get feedback from “the blind vine”.

    If you are a professional working in the field of blind computer use, BLINUX-lIST is the ideal source of new, interesting information and a means of sharing your experiences with others. If you are a hacker who is blind, you may use BLINUX-lIST to get the newest blind support software for Linux.

    To subscribe to the Blinux-list listserv, send an E-mail message to BLINUX-lIST listserv type the word “subscribe” (without the quotes) in the Subject line of a message. ​

  • Blinux-Newbie is an emailing list targetted at blind computer users who are either new to Linux or who are considering using Linux. Any questions about Linux are welcome, as are experienced Linux users who are willing to help. Please do not simply tell someone to read the documentation or search the Web for the answers, since this is especially difficult for new users who don’t know where to look!

    To subscribe to the Blinux-Newbie listserv, send an E-mail message to BLINUX-NEWBIE listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE Blinux-Newbie in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • BlndCompUse is a list dedicated to the general discussion of blind people using computers. BlndCompUse is intended to facillitate the discussion of any and all aspects of computers used by the blind and visually impaired. It is not specifically geared towards any one aspect of computer use by the blind.

    All types of products produced by all types of companies may be discussed on BlndCompUse. Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to:

    • Braille displays
    • Screen readers
    • Notetakers designed for use by the blind (i.e. the Braille ‘n Speak, Type ‘n Speak, Myna, etc.)

    To subscribe to the BlndCompUse listserv, send an E-mail message to BLNDCOMPUSE (Blind Computer Users) listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank. ​

  • BookPort listserv provides an opportunity for you to speak with other BookPort users with questions, suggestions and comments. It also provides a forum to make suggestions and observations that can help the developers enhance future versions of the product.

    To subscribe to the BookPort listserv, send an email message to BOOKPORT listserv and put the word “subscribe” in the subject line of your message. ​

  • The Books/Reading list is dedicated to the discussion of books as read by the blind and visually impaired. Topics include braille, audio, large print, moon type, and other print alternatives; favorite narrators and books; copyright and access issues relating to books and printed materials; as well as anything else related to books and reading from a blind and visually impaired perspective.

    To subscribe to the Books/Reading listserv, send an E-mail message to BOOKS/READING listserv and type: subscribe books firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • BookTop, short for “Book Topics”, is a discussion list where people can discuss everything from their favorite books, authors, and narrators, to their favorite mode of reading, such as via Braille, print (large or small), audio, scanner, etc. BookTop is not restricted to blind people. The list owner happens to be blind, and, consequently, so are most of the other subscribers, but anyone who is interested in reading is welcome to join the list.

    To subscribe to the BookTop listserv, send an E-mail message to BOOKTOP listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank. ​

  • BRAILLE-l is an emailing list devoted to the promotion of Braille literacy.

    To subscribe to the Braille-l listserv, send an E-mail message to BRAILLE-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BRAILLE-l in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • BrailleM, the Braille Music List, is a forum for discussing and learning about all aspects of Braille music code. The BrailleM list is designed to help beginners in Braille music and provide them a place where they can ask questions of more experienced Braille music users. The list will also be useful to more experienced users, who can discuss difficult passages and formats. BrailleM also covers any and all subjects related to Braille music, such as where to find teaching materials, where to order Braille musical material, how to transcribe music into Braille music code, and so on.

    To subscribe to the BrailleM listserv, send an E-mail message to BRAILLEM (Music) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BRAILLEM in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • The purpose of BrailleTech is to provide a foundation for the discussion of braille-based and braille-related hardware and/or software technologies.

    To subscribe to the BrailleTech listserv, send an E-mail message to BRAILLETECH (Braille Tech) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BRAILLETECH in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • BRCTR is a technical list devoted to the discussion of the advancement and future of braille, sponsored by the Braille Research Center.

    To subscribe to the BRCTR listserv, send an E-mail message to BRCTR (Braille Research Centre) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BRCTR firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • BRL-HELP is a new component of the American Foundation for the Blind’s National Braille Literacy Mentor Project, dedicated to the promotion of discussion and sharing of ideas about braille instruction. BRL-HELP is open to all people who wish to ask specific questions about braille instruction or the students to whom they teach braille; to respond to requests for information; to share successful strategies that have worked in teaching braille; and to discuss resources and materials that are available. BRL-HELP welcomes input from special education and rehabilitation teachers of braille, preschool and general education teachers of children who are blind or visually impaired, parents and other family members of blind individuals, and anyone else who is interested in promoting excellence in braille instruction.

    To subscribe to the BRL-HELP listserv, send an E-mail message to BRL-HELP (Braille Help) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BRL-HELP in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • BRL_ZYLX is an emailing list dedicated to support for a uniform Braille code alternative to the UBC.

    To subscribe to the BRL_ZYLX listserv, send an E-mail message to BRL_ZYLX listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BRL_ZYLX in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • BSports is an emailing list dealing specifically with sports for the blind. Topics may range from announcements of upcoming tournaments, how to make sports more accessible to the blind, results from tournaments and events, sports training camps, and any other related topics.

    To subscribe to the BSports listserv, send an E-mail message to BSPORTS listserv and type: subscribe bsports firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • BUDDY-l is an informal guide dog discussion list. Please note that you must include your voice phone number and your reason for joining the list in your subscription request.

    To subscribe to the Buddy-l listserv, send an E-mail message to BUDDY-l listserv and type: subscribe buddy-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • With the proliferation of emailing lists owned and/or moderated by blind and visually impaired individuals, the time has come to create a list with that audience specifically in mind. BVI-Moderators is open to all blind and visually impaired list-owners and moderators, regardless of where a list is hosted. On BVI-Moderators, one could discuss the sometimes unique problems encountered by blind and visually impaired list owners/moderators, and also have a place to vent their spleen if need be.

    To subscribe to the BVI Moderators listserv, send an E-mail message to BVI (Blind/Visually Impaired) MODERATORS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE BVI and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank. ​

  • BVI-Parents has been created as a means of enabling the parents of children who are blind or visually impaired to network and share ideas and experiences. Teachers, blind adults, or other interested persons are also welcome; however, the primary focus of the list is the needs of the parents of blind and visually impaired children. Since BVI-Parents was founded in April 1998, it has served parents from a variety of backgrounds. Topics discussed have included, but are certainly not limited to:

    • When to introduce the white cane
    • Encouraging visually impaired infants to explore the
    • environment
    • Social skills
    • Educational placement options
    • Summer camp
    • Braille
    • Low vision, and
    • Music education

    To subscribe to the BVI Parents listserv, send an E-mail message to BVI (Blind/VVisually Impaired) PARENTS listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank.

  • Choroideremia was created to facilitate discussion and the dissemination of information between people who have been diagnosed with, or who are interested in, the genetic degenerative eye disease Choroideremia. Choroideremia, or CHM, is also known by the name Tapetechoroidal Dystrophy, or TCD. Choroideremia is a genetic eye disease caused by a genetic defect located at Xq21.2 and those afflicted with the eye disease will initially be night blind, and their retina will begin to deteriorate beginning in the periphera and tunnel to complete blindness.

    Appropriate topics of discussion on the Choroideremia list are those concerning Choroideremia, its treatment, life experiences, research information, and other personal and technical information that has anything to do with the disease.

    To subscribe to the Choroideremia listserv, send an E-mail message to CHOROIDEREMIA listserv and type: subscribe Choroideremia in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • Computer Professionals With LowViz is an emailing list for people working as computer professionals who have low vision or are blind. Technical discussion on how we can best perform a highly technical and demanding job. What work-a-rounds have we discovered to help us get our jobs done? What adaptive hardware, and programmatic aids exist for Microsoft, or Sun, or other UNIX flavored equipment? How have we fared with employers and supervisors? Open to all computer system professionals working in the field (industry employees, government, ISPs). This includes techies, such as programmers; UNIX system administrators; NT administrators; Novell system administrators; engineers; webmasters; and HTML coders; etc.

    To subscribe to the Computer Professionals With LowViz listserv, send an E-mail message to COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS WITH LOWVIZ listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE computer_professionals_with_lowviz in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • Cooking in the Dark listserv is for those who are blind who like the challenge of cooking and preparing exciting dishes. Subscribers to this list post recipes, provide cooking tips, offer useful hints for the kitchen and subject others to a host of interesting questions. Any question is fair game provided it pertains to food, food preparation or cooking methods.

    To subscribe to the Cooking in the Dark listserve, send a E-mail message to COOKING IN THE DARK listserv and put the word subscribe into the subject line of your message. ​

  • DanBlind is a discussion list for Danish blind people. Assumed the default language is Danish.

    To subscribe to the DanBlind listserv, send an E-mail message to DANBLIND listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE DanBlind in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • DBTechies, also known as The DB Techies Newsletter is a distribution list intended for the use of deaf-blind, blind, and partially sighted people. The aim of DBTechies is to try and inform deafblind people what is new in the high-tech world that we all live in now. DBTechies will feature information about new products for use by the deaf-blind, as well as discussion of whether mainstream products and products designed for use by the blind can be used by the deaf-blind.

    A great deal of the information in The DB Techies Newsletter will be culled from the net. DBTechies is a moderated list, which means that before a post is distributed to subscribers, it is first reviewed for appropriateness by the list-owner.

    To subscribe to DBTechies: The Deaf-Blind Technies Newsletter listserv, send an E-mail message to DBTECHIES: THE DEAF-BLIND TECHIES NEWSLETTER listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE DBTechies in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • DeafBlnd facilitates discussion of issues affecting people who are both deaf and blind.

    To subscribe to the DeafBlnd listserv, send an E-mail message to DEAFBLND listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE deafblnd firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname” ​

  • DOLPHIN-l is an emailing list which is dedicated to the discussion of multilingual synthesizers and screen reading programs. The name of the list is derived from Dolphin Systems, the manufacturer of the Apollo2 multilingual synthesizers and screen readers for DOS and Windows95 and Windows NT. The list, however, has no relation with Dolphin Systems in any commercial fashion. Users of other speech-access systems are welcome to participate in this emailing list in order to discuss possible multilingual solutions for their screen reader/synthesizer set-ups.

    To subscribe to the Dolphin-l listserv, send an E-mail message to DOLPHIN-l listserv and type: subscribe dolphin-l in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • Recently Travis Siegel decided that there isn’t enough information or sources of assistance on the internet for DOS users, so he’s set up an emailing list dedicated to the discussion of DOS and how it can be used (even today) to do just about anything required by a user. Anything and everything DOS-related (including program-specific inquiries/threads) is welcome on DOS-Discuss.

    To subscribe to the DOS Discuss listserv, send an E-mail message to DOS DISCUSS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE DOS-DISCUSS firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • DUXUSER, the Duxbury User’s List exists not only to provide support for users of Duxbury products, but also for anyone interested in Duxbury’s braille-related products. The list not only provides a forum where users can post messages of general interest to other Duxbury users, but as a means of circulating announcements of general interest to Duxbury users, including all product releases and upgrades.

    To subscribe to the Duxuser listserv, send an E-mail message to DUXUSER listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE DUXUSER in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • DVICEC-S is a forum for teachers of the visually impaired. This list was formerly known as DVH-S.

    To subscribe to the DVICEC-S listserv, send an E-mail message to DVICEC-S listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE DVICEC-S firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • EMACSPEAK is a discussion list for users of Emacspeak, A Speech Output Subsystem For Emacs. T.V. Raman, the author of Emacspeak, is a participant on the list.

    To subscribe to the EMacSpeak listserv, send an E-mail message to EMACSPEAK listserv and type:     Subscribe in the subject line of your message. ​

  • EYES-l is a discussion group for the spouses, friends, and assistants of blind and visually impaired persons. People with visual impairments are asked not to join, as the purpose of this list is to give those listed above the freedom to share feelings and comments about their relationships, and the trials, triumphs, and difficulties encountered with their loved ones and friends who are visually impaired.

    To subscribe to the Eyes-l listserv, send an E-mail message to EYES-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE EYES-l username@domain firstname lastname substituting your email address (i.e. and your first and last names in the body of your message. ​

  • The purpose of the GayBlind emailing list is to establish contact between blind people who are gay or lesbian.

    To subscribe to the Gay Blind listserv, send an E-mail message to GAY BLIND listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE GayBlind in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • GUIDE-DOG-POLE is an unmoderated and open forum for persons who use guide dogs and service animals and for those interested in learning more about the issues involved in the use of Guide Dogs or service animals. Likely topics of discussion include, but are not limited to:

    • issues of access;
    • the relationship between the guide dog or service animal handler and the school or training center which produces the animal;
    • the relationship between the owner or handler of a guide dog or service animal and the general public; and
    • any other topic of interest to the list membership concerning the interface between the guide dog or service animal handler and the world that surrounds that handler.

    To subscribe to the Guide Dog Pole listserv, send an E-mail message to GUIDE DOG POLE listserv and type: SUB GUIDE-DOG-POLE firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • GUISpeak is an emailing list dedicated to the discussion of access to the graphical user interface (Windows, MacIntosh, et. al.) for the blind and visually impaired.

    To subscribe to the GUISpeak listserv, send an E-mail message to GUISPEAK (Graphical User Interface) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE GUISpeak firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • GW-INFO is the technically-oriented support and discussion list for GW-Micro’s products, mainly Vocal-Eyes and Window-Eyes.

    To subscribe to the GW-Info listserv, send an E-mail message to GW-INFO listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE GW-INFO in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.​

  • In the words of HANDS’s founder, Chris Peterson, “HANDS is a support list primarily aimed at blind high school and college students. Pretty much anything goes as long as members feel the need to discuss it. We don’t encourage political announcements or commercials, but if they happen they happen. The main thrust of the list is to let blind students exchange techniques for dealing with student life and to allow them to vent their frustrations, but we’ve been known to discuss a good movie or book from time to time too.”

    To subscribe to the Hands listserv, send an E-mail message to HANDS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE HANDS firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • HHSBLD-l is a review of visually impaired services.

    To subscribe to the HHSBLD-l listserv, send an E-mail message to HHSBLD-l listserv and type: subscribe hhsbld-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • The HOME-WORKERS list was created to promote discussion between those who already have, or who may be interested in, starting a small business. The focus of HOME-WORKERS will include, but not be limited to, issues pertaining to small business entreprenuership by the blind and disabled, so any equipment, resources, business ideas, etc. which assist the blind or disabled entreprenuer will be entertained on HOME-WORKERS.

    HOME-WORKERS is intended as a means of enabling people to meet,network, and–hopefully–form long and lasting business relationships. While the moderators believe in the barter system, neither the list’s moderators nor owners will be responsible for any business transaction(s) that individuals engage in, nor do we necessarily endorse any product(s) that people advertise.

    To subscribe to the Home-Workers listserv, send an E-mail message to HOME-WORKERS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE HOME-WORKERS firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.​

  • To subscribe to the IBI-l listserv, send an E-mail message to IBI-l (Israeli Blind Issues) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • IBM-HPR is a peer-support emailing list for IBM HomePage Reader, the talking web browser.

    To subscribe to the IBM-HPR listserv, send an E-mail message to IBM-HPR (IBM HomePage Reader) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE IBM-HPR firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • IBM-SRD is an emailing list dedicated to the discussion of the IBM Screen Reader.

    To subscribe to the IBM-SRD listserv, send an E-mail message to IBM-SRD (IBM Screen Reader) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE IBM-SRD firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • IBM-SVK is a peer support mailing list for the IBM Self-Voicing Kit for Java, previously known as IBM’s “Screen-reader for the Java platform”.

    To subscribe to the IBM-SVK listserv, send an E-mail message to IBM-SVK (IBM Self-Voicing Kit) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE IBM-SVK firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • Internet-Shopping is an emailing list dedicated to the discussion of how to shop on the internet and how to navigate different sites using various screen readers.

    To subscribe to the Internet-Shopping listserv, send an E-mail message to INTERNET-SHOPPING listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank. ​

  • JAWS for Windows listserv has been created to provide a forum where JAWS users can discuss any aspect of the software application.

    NOTE: Freedom Scientific, the manufacturer of JAWS for Windows does not run the JFW list. It is run via eGroups by a user of JFW who lives in Australia, and who has no connection to Freedom Scientific other than being a user of their product.

    To subscribe to the JAWS for Windows listserve, send an E-mail message to JFW (JAWS for Windows) listserv and put the word subscribe into the subject line of your message.

    Individual posts to the JFW list since January 1, 2000 are automatically hyperarchived. You can search the JAWS for Windows hyperarchive. ​

  • JAWS Users Listserv is an alternate list to the one above and has also been created to provide a forum where JAWS users can discuss any aspect of the software application.

    NOTE: Freedom Scientific, the manufacturer of JAWS for Windows does enot run this JAWS User List either.

    To subscribe to the JAWS User List, send an E-mail message to ​

  • JFW-Access is dedicated to the discussion of the Microsoft database program known as Access. Since a lot of blind individuals need to learn how to use it, and it is a challenging program for blind people to master, JFW-Access is a place where blind users can share tips, tricks, scripts, and various other ideas.

    To subscribe to JFW-Access listserv, send an E-mail message to JFW-ACCESS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE JFW-Access in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.

    JFW-Access is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the JFW-Access hyperarchive. ​

  • JFW-Employment exists for the sole purpose of sharing information related to the use and configuration of the JAWS for Windows screen reader with customized workplace applications. JFW-Employment is a “task oriented workgroup” which will cover the following questions:

    1. As a user of JFW on the job, what do you need? What could access technology specialists and others charged with the task of scripting customized applications do to make the process go more smoothely? How could it be more effective and efficient? What would you like to see in the way of documentation and instruction?
    2. As a power user of JFW, what do you need to become even more functional? What improvements to existing JFW documentation would you like to see? What would help you become more comfortable with the JFW scripting language, the JFW utility managers like the frame manager, window reclassification and other advanced JFW facilities? How could you put your skills as a JFW power user to use to help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of implementing JFW into the workplace for those who do not happen to be power users?
    3. As an access technology specialist or as an individual otherwise tasked with the implementation of JFW in a workplace situation, what do you need to be more effective and efficient? What techniques have you found to work well? What needs to be improved? What resources do you use to make this daunting task more achievable?

    Since JFW-Employment is intended to be very task oriented, subscriptions are approved by the moderator. If you possess one of the following characteristics, your subscription request will be approved:

    1. You are a JFW user.
    2. You meet at least one of the following additional requirements:
      1. You are using JFW on the job
      2. You consider yourself to be a power user of JFW.
      3. You are an access technology specialist or you are otherwise tasked with the challenge of implementing JFW in the workplace.

    To subscribe to the JFW-Employment listserv, send an E-mail message to JFW-EMPLOYMENT listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE JFW-Employment in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • In the words of Dennis Brown, the listowner of the JFWScripts emailing list: The JFWScripts list has been established in the hopes that the “Script Gurus”, official or otherwise, will be willing to help us mere mortals in writing, editing, and developing new scripts for the JAWS for Windows screen reader. The JFW Script language is a powerful, flexible, and largely unsupported resource which endows the user with the ability to do damn near anything they like, given a little ingenuity and encouragement. Anyone and everyone who uses JFW is encouraged to join the JFWScripts list–especially people from Freedom Scientific’s script team, unofficial script gurus, and anyone else interested in getting the most out of this script language! If you’ve got a question about the script language in general, or a certain script in particular; if you’ve tried creating a script, and it isn’t doing what you thought it would do; if you can’t get a script to compile; or if you’d just like to bounce an idea or two off other script writers, then the JFWScripts list is the place to do it!

    To subscribe to the JFW-Scripts listserv, send an E-mail message to JFW-SCRIPTS listserv and leave your subject line and message body blank. ​

  • The guide dog discussion list formally known as GEBLIST. (Less informal then BUDDY-l.)

    To subscribe to the Juno-l listserv, send an E-mail message to JUNO-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE JUNO-l in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • Kurzweil 1000 is a discussion list for customers and prospective customers of the Kurzweil 1000, a PC-based reading software program for people who are blind.

    To subscribe to the K1000 (Kurzweil 1000) listserv, send an E-mail message to K1000 (Kurzweil 1000) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE k1000 in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • LANGLEARN-l is an emailing list whose purpose is the discussion–both in terms of scholarly research as well as in terms of personal observation–of the strategies utilized by the blind/visually impaired, their teachers and parents, and those working within the realm of higher education, to make the process of learning a first and/or second language more feasible/efficient. Other topics of discussion may include–but are certainly not limited to–strategies for teaching first and/or second languages to individuals with disabilities in addition to blindness/visual impairment; ways to make first and second language learning more accessible to individuals who are blind/visually impaired,as well as resources from which foreign language materials may be obtained. Any individual with an interest in this topic is welcome to subscribe. in the BODY of the emessage, type:

    To subscribe to the Langlearn-l listserv, send an E-mail message to LANGLEARN-l listserv and type:     subscribe langlearn-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • LHON is a support and information mailing list dedicated to the discussion of Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy. This genetic complaint is characterised by a relatively sudden, bilateral loss of vision and can be very hard to diagnose. LHON has been established to focus the thoughts and feelings of those, or relatives of those, who are suffering from LHON.

    To subscribe to the LHON listserv, send an E-mail message to LHON (Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE LHON firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • Linux4Blind is a group of people interested in empowering individuals with disabilities throughout the world through free computer hardware, software, and training. We will begin our activities by focusing on assisting individuals who are blind by providing them with Linux-based machines and the necessary know-how to operate them productively. Our objective is to empower individuals with disabilities who are also economically disadvantaged so that these may live more productive and rewarding lives. The choice of individuals who are blind as our first target group stems from the fact that this is the disability we understand best. The choice of Linux, as our first platform for free distribution, is due to the following reasons: Linux is an extremely powerful operating system which when made accessible to individuals with disabilities, may open to these numerous opportunities for learning and/or professional growth. Linux is free. Software necessary to make Linux useful and accessible to the blind such as Emacs, Emacspeak and IBM ViaVoice Outloud are available for free. The efficiency with which Linux software operates allows older computers currently being discarded to be used effectively. This will reduce overall waste in our societies and fascilitate our search for hardware.

    To subscribe to the Linux4Blind listserv, send an E-mail message to LINUX4BLIND listserv and type:     SUBSCRIBE Linux4Blind in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.

    Linux4Blind is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the Linux4Blind hyperarchive. ​

  • LOWVIS is the clinical low vision discussion list.

    To subscribe to the LowVis listserv, send an E-mail message to LOWVIS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE LOWVIS firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • LOWVIS is the clinical low vision discussion list.

    To subscribe to the LowVis listserv, send an E-mail message to LOWVIS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE LOWVIS firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • Lynx-learners is a peer-support list for users of Lynx, an extremely speech-friendly, text-based web browser popular amongst blind users. LYNX-lEARNERS provides a supportive environment through which new users of Lynx can ask questions of, and learn from, more experienced users. LYNX-lEARNERS also functions as a forum for brainstorming, as well as for the development and sharing of browsing strategies, shortcuts, and tricks.

    Although LYNX-lEARNERS is not intended to function as an exclusively blindness-specific list, most of its members have a vision loss and hence it is an ideal source of assistance, advice, support, and encouragement for the blind or visually impaired user. In the words of the listowner, Jeff D. Doran, “The goals of this list, lynx-learners, include and are barely limited to the monstrous task of helping each other fully learn Lynx. We certainly cover related topics as needed: Internet, World Wide Web, hypertext, HTML (the HyperText Mark-up Language), Usenet news groups, ftp, gopher, telnet, email, ‘net security, text editors, Unix, speech synthesizers (the hardware that converts text into electronic speech), SOSAS (speech output screen access software, the program that sends text from the terminal screen to the speech synthesizer), subtopics within those major topics and whatever experiment or Internet source or example we happen to deal with at any given moment. Is that all clear? Excellent, I’m dazed, too! I enjoy watching beginners on the Web, including myself, fully describe the basics of learning to crawl on the Web and grow into Web junkies and gurus like I am.”

    To subscribe to the Lynx Learners listserv, send an E-mail message to LYNX LEARNERS listserv and type: subscribe lynx-learners in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.

    Lynx Learners is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the Lynx Learners hyperarchive. ​

  • The MACULAR-DEGENERATION list exists in order to facillitate the exchange of helpful tips, experiences, and mutual encouragement amongst persons experiencing macular degeneration. It began as an outgrowth of the RPLIST, which contained a very few MD notes which tended to get lost amidst a plethora of RP-specific messages.

    To subscribe to the Macular-Degeneration listserv, send an E-mail message to Macular-Degeneration listserv and type: SUB MACULAR-DEGENERATION firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.

    The Maestro PDA listserve is available to those who wish to learn more about and offer comments and direction to other Maestro users. This optional software bundle is available to those users of the Humanware Trekker GPS application and is designed to run on a Dell or Hewlitt-Packard PDA.

    To subscribe to the Maestro PDA listserve and leave both the Subject Line and the body of your message blank. ​

  • The Microtalk International Support List, better known simply as MICROTALK, is dedicated to technical support for and discussion of MicroTalk’s products, such as the ASAP and ASAW screen readers and the LiteTalk external synthesizer.

    To subscribe to the MicroTalk listserv, send an E-mail message to MICROTALK listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE MICROTALK in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • The MIDI-MAG list exists to facilitate the sharing of information among all interested parties who in some way deal with MIDI, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface. The primary users of the list are visually impaired persons who have an interest in or work with MIDI for home use or professional purposes.

    MIDI-MAG exists so that persons interested in working with MIDI can share techniques and documentation for various pieces of equipment. There will also be discussion dealing with issues related to the accessibility of equipment and suggestions and guidelines for manufacturers of MIDI hardware and software so that it will be more accessible by disabled users, especially visually impaired persons.

    To subscribe to the MIDI-MAG listserv, send an E-mail message to MIDI-MAG (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE MIDI-MAG firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • Discussion of the Myna, a palmtop PC with speech.

    To subscribe to the MYNA-l listserv, send an E-mail message to MYNA-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE MYNA-l in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • NABS-l (ACB), the National Alliance of Blind Students’ Symposium, is an open-forum discussion list designed to facilitate dialogue among blind/visually-impaired students regarding relevant issues and topics of interest. Examples of topics appropriate for this list include, but are not limited to: educational equity and equality for the blind, employment issues and opportunities, the use of computers and other assistive technology, accessibility issues, discrimination, advocacy, working with readers, dealing with campus offices of Disabled Student Services, breaking down prejudice and stereotypes of blindness, maintaining and fostering independence, and exchanging ideas and personal experience stories of blindness. It is hoped that this list will enable blind students to make the most of their college experiences, and will encourage their full and equal participation in society. This list will also serve as a forum for disseminating and discussing issues specifically related to NABS, the National Alliance of Blind Students, which is an affiliate of the The American Council of the Blind (ACB). However, all blind students are encouraged to join; list participants need not be members of NABS or ACB. ​

  • While NABS-l is primarily intended for blind and visually-impaired students, other interested persons may also take part, provided these individuals are committed to independence and equality for the blind, and provided this list does not lose its student-oriented focus.

    To subscribe to the NABS-l (ACB) listserv, send an E-mail message to NABS-l (National Alliance of Blind Students – American Council of the Blind) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE NABS-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.

    NABS-l (NFB) is the mailing list of the National Association of Blind Students (NABS), a division of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). NABS is an organization of students who are blind and visually impaired. NABS-l provides a forum for the discussion of issues that are relevant to blind students in every major and grade. NABS-l is used to ask questions, suggest solutions, and share experiences. There are also be occasional posts concerning issues of major importance to the blind as well as announcements concerning the activities of NABS and NFB.

    To subscribe to the NABS-l (NFB) listserv, send an E-mail message to NABS-l (National Association of Blind Students – National Federation of the Blind ) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE NABS-l in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • NARRS-l is sponsored by NARRS, the National Association of Radio Reading Services. It is intended to promote communications between NARRS members and other professionals involved in information access for the blind.

    To subscribe to the NARRS-l listserv, send an E-mail message to NARRS-l (National Association of Radio Reading Services) listserv and type: subscribe NARRS-l in the BODY of a message substituting your complete E-mail address for “userid@domain”. ​

  • NFB-BPJ is the first discussion list for blind journalists. It is an informal gathering place for people who want to ask questions and exchange ideas on how blind people succeed in journalism. Working journalists or those who expect to write on deadline for a living are welcome. The group will include writers employed at newspapers, magazines, TV, or public affairs departments.

    Students who wish to pursue a career in journalism and former journalists, who have become blind, and who wish to acquire effective alternative techniques for working in the highly-competitive arena of journalism, are also welcome. There will probably be little of interest on this list for poets or novelists.

    NFB-BPJ is an outgrowth of The Blind Professional Journalists Group, which was formed in July 1996, in Anaheim, California, during the National Federation of the Blind’s annual convention. Among its founding members are students, reporters, editors and the former dean of the journalism department at Arizona State University. The expected topics of discussion include, but are not limited to: Technology that lets you manipulate information quickly and on deadline. Reportorial techniques specific to blindness, ranging from managing the interview to managing visual aspects of the story. Nuts-and-bolts solutions concerning transportation and techniques for working with reader/driver/assistants. Employment issues specific to blind professionals, from how to get hired to how to fund adaptive equipment Ways of cracking informational barriers in order to keep you informed so you can do your job exceptionally well.

    NFB-BPJ may expand to include discussions far more diverse than these, but in order for the list to fulfill its purpose, it is important that subject matter be confined to those issues directly relating to journalism by the blind and to the techniques utilized by blind journalists.

    To subscribe to the NFB-BPJ listserv, send an E-mail message to NFB-BPJ (Blind Professional Journalists) listserv and type: subscribe nfb-bpj firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • NFB-CS is a new list, sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind in Computer Science (NFBCS), dedicated to the discussion of issues surrounding the access to computers by blind persons. NFBCS is also intended to serve as a forum through which to discuss issues specific to NFBCS. In a word, it is a conduit through which ideas and technical information can be shared.

    To subscribe to the NFB-CS listserv, send an E-mail message to NFB-CS (Computer Science) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE NFBCS in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • NFB-RD is the National Federation of the Blind’s Research and Development list, dedicated to the highly technical discussion of research and development in the field of access technology, with an emphasis on software and hardware development.

    To subscribe to the NFB-RD listserv, send an E-mail message to NFB-RD (Research & Development) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE NFB-RD firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”.

    NFB-Rd is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the NFB-RD hyperarchive. ​

  • NFB-TALK exists to disseminate news and information about the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) and its activities. It is also intended as a conduit for the discussion of NFB’s philosophy of blindness and topics of specific interest to members of the NFB and its friends, as they relate to the NFB, its policies, activities, and philosophy.

    To subscribe to the NFB-Talk listserv, send an E-mail message to NFB-TALK listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE NFB-TALK in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • The OandM list exists to promote the free and open discussion of orientation and mobility issues between the blind and mobility instructors.

    To subscribe to the OandM listserv, send an E-mail message to O & M listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE OANDM firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • The Promotion Technology listserve is a forum to receive and review information regarding assistive technology. This list serve is operated and managed by the National Federation of the Blind.

    To subscribe to the Promotion Technology listserv, send an E-mail message to Promotion Technology listserve and type “Subscribe” on the Subject Line of your message. ​

  • PROGRAM-l is a highly specialized emailing list, intended to serve as a conduit through which blind and visually impaired programmers can exchange ideas, strategies, and advice. The purpose of PROGRAM-l is: to discuss the visual aspects of application design which may be a cause of concern to a developer with no useful vision. Examples of such concerns include: ergonomic yet aesthetically-pleasing screen layout, optimal control size, etc. To provide sound coding tips which would make life easier for a blind person, such as setting the focus to the first logical control on a form so that a screenreader will read its label (provided it has been properly positioned). To discuss and suggest effective and productive practices for the development lifecycle To provide hints and tips on how best to access the visual IDE with speech or Braille. (Example: in VB4, to go from one control on a form to another, bring up the properties of any control with F4, go to the top of the property listbox and single click on the graphic to the right of the listbox heading which will bring up a combo box from which you can make your selection.

    Whilst it is expected that the majority of people will be using either VB, VC++, VJ++ or Delphi, the list is not restricted to only these although any additional ones should have a strong visual content; i.e. it is not the purpose of the list to be interested in DOS-based environments.

    To subscribe to the Program-l listserv, send an E-mail message to PROGRAM-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE PROGRAM-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • PTR1 is dedicated to discussion regarding the Plextalk Digital Recorder – a portable digital recorder, DAISY book player and MP3 player.

    To subscribe to the PTR1 listserv, send an E-mail message to PTR1 (PlexTalk) listserv and put the word subscribe into the subject line of your message. ​

  • For quick and easy recipes, household tips, or if you want to learn or teach how to use certain products, join QuickAndEasy. This group is for blind and sighted people alike, particularly those who want to learn to use products whose instructions are not accessible. This is a great place for you.

    To subscribe to Quick and Easy listserv, send a blank E-mail message to Quick and Easylistserv. ​

  • R-BLASTOMA is an unmoderated discussion list for persons with Retinoblastoma, their loved ones, family, and friends. It is also a forum where patients, family, and friends can interact with researchers and physicians, to discuss clinical and nonclinical issues and advances pertaining to retinoblastoma. R-BLASTOMA is part of a group of lists co-sponsored by ACOR, the Association of Cancer Online Resources.

    Topics of discussion include: patient experiences, psychosocial issues, new research, clinical trials, alternative therapies and discussions of current treatment practices.

    To subscribe to the R-Blastoma listserv, send an E-mail message to R-BLASTOMA listserv and type:     SUBSCRIBE R-BLASTOMA in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.

    R-Blastoma is automatically hyperarchived. You can search the R-Blastoma hyperarchive. ​

  • Reading Club For The Blind is a listserv for avid book readers can discuss their current titles. Compare notes on what happens in the next harry potter book, discuss Stephen King’s latest thriller or unravel the plots in James Paterson’s best selling mysteries. Or perhaps you have another title or author you would like to share with others! Well then You’ve come to the right place! All Books are open fordiscussion. this list will inspire reading within the blind and visually impaired comunity. Come Join our group.

    To subscribe to the Reading Club for the Blind listserv, send an E-mail message to READING CLUB FOR THE BLIND listserv and put the word subscribe into the subject line of your message. ​

  • RET-PIG is an open forum for discussions, announcements, and questions related to the retinitis pigmentosa and allied disorders. Subscribers to the list include molecular biologists, clinicians, (medical or biology) students, patients and other individuals interested in Retinitis Pigmentosa.

    To subscribe to the Ret-Pig listserv, send an E-mail message to RET-PIG (Retinitis Pigmentosa) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE RET-PIG in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • RP List is dedicated to discussions related to retinal degenerations. It is open to people personally effected by these conditions, their family and friends, people working in the eye care or low vision fields, and more generally anyone who wants to learn or share experience in relation with retinal conditions.

    To subscribe to the RP List, send an E-mail message to RP LIST and put the word subscribe into the subject line of your message. ​

  • RT-l is the rehabilitation teachers and professionals discussion list.

    To subscribe to the RT-l listserv, send an E-mail message to RT (Rehabilitation Teachers) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE RT-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • ScanTalk is an unmoderated discussion list for people with an interest in the use of OCR and scanner technology by and for the blind. Note that you don’t need to include your email address in the subscribe command unless it will be different from the one that sent the membership request. The system will return an authorization code which needs to be submitted back to the server for verification.

    To subscribe to the ScanTalk listserv, send an E-mail message to SCANTALK listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE SCANTALK in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • SCORE is a discussion list for present and former participants of The CNIB-Gretzky SCORE Teen Camp. SCORE is an acronym for Summer Computer Opportunities in Recreation and Education. The list is open only to present and former SCORE campers.

    To subscribe to the SCORE listserv, send an E-mail message to SCORE listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE SCORE in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank.

    If you have an automatic signature file set for your mailer, type the word “end” (without the quotation marks!) on the line immediately below the line on which you typed “SUBSCRIBE SCORE” + SeeingWithSound. ​

  • SeeingWithSound is a list devoted to discussing the new and experimental seeing-with-sound technology for the totally blind, as provided by The vOICe (which is written with a capital O, I, and C.). The vOICe converts images and video from a PC camera into corresponding sounds. Blind users, in particular, are welcome to report their experiences, and ask and answer questions. To subscribe to SeeingWithSound, send a BLANK emessage to:

  • The SPEECHTOYS-lIST is dedicated to the discussion of all items with speech.

    To subscribe to the SpeechToys listserv, send an E-mail message to SPEECHTOYS listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE SPEECHTOYS-lIST firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​​

  • TECHNO-l is a British-based list which enables people to offer for sale adaptive equipment they no longer require, such as speech synthesisers, Braille printers, etc. Those interested in purchasing such equipment should contact the seller privately, not via the list.

    To subscribe to the Techno-l listserv, send an E-mail message to TECHNO-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE TECHNO-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • TRAINING-l is a list intended to foster discussion between those involved in training users of access technology, as well as others who are interested in the topic.

    To subscribe to the Training-l listserv, send an E-mail message to TRAINING-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE TRAINING-l in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • p>USERS is a list for users of Arkenstone products. It provides a forum for Arkenstone-specific discussions and tips, and will serve to foster a closer dialogue between Arkenstone and its customers. In the words of Arkenstone’s president, Jim Fruchterman, “Our users are an incredibly important resource to Arkenstone and we’re certain that this listserv will improve that communication channel. Many of our employees will be on the listserv, allowing them to hear what our users have to say even if they are not responsible for Arkenstone’s responses to questions and comments.”To subscribe to USERS: The Arkenstone listserv, send an E-mail message to USERS: The Arkenstone listserv and type the word “subscribe” (without the quotation marks) in the Subject line of your message. ​

  • A list intended for the use of individuals who have Usher Syndrome, their family and friends, and professionals working either with persons with Usher or involved in Usher-related research.

    To subscribe to the Usher listserv, send an E-mail message to USHER listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE USHER-lIST username@provider in the BODY of a message, substituting your complete, valid email address for “username@provider”. ​

  • VAT, the Vendors of Access Technology list, is–as its name implies–a discussion list whose target audience are the vendors of access technology.

    To subscribe to the VAT listserv, send an E-mail message to VAT (Vendors – Access Technology) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE VAT firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • VICUG-l: the Visually Impaired Computer Users’ Group List serves as a conduit through which members of visually impaired/blind computer users’ groups nation- and world-wide can exchange educational materials, keep one another apprised of their activities, and discuss strategies for co-ordinated action. VICUG-l was created to serve as a national discussion/announcement list for VICUGs located in the United States. However, the benefits of a global list which connects, and even fosters the establishment and growth of local VICUGs caused the list-owners to broaden the list’s mandate.

    To subscribe to the VICUG-l listserv, send an E-mail message to VICUG-l: the Visually Impaired Computer Users’ Group listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE VICUG-l firstname lastname in the BODY of your message, substituting your complete name for “firstname” and “lastname”. ​

  • VIP-l is a moderate volume discussion list covering any issues of relevance to people in Australia who are blind or vision impaired. Please note that, despite the list name, VIP-l is open to anyone with an interest in blindness and vision impairment!

    To subscribe to the VIP-l listserv, send an E-mail message to VIP-l listserv and type: subscribe VIP-l in the BODY of a message–substituting your complete, valid email address for “userid@domain”. ​

  • Voice Programs is an emailing list dedicated to the discussion of communication-related computer programs that use a telephone or a microphone, and your PC.

    To subscribe to the Voice Programs list serv, send an E-mail message to VOICE PROGRAMS listserv and leave the subject line and the body of your message blank. ​

  • “We Are Changing What It Means to Be Blind” (WACWIMTBB) is a list for NFB members and others interested in the NFB’s goals.

    To subscribe to WACWIMTBB-l listserv, send an E-mail message to WACWIMTBB-l (We are changing what it means to be blind) listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE WACWIMTBB-l in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • The World Wide Web (WWW) is perhaps the most fascinating and challenging part of the internet. It represents the first widespread use of electronic publishing as a distribution method which is a great benefit for users of access technology. The general purpose of WEBWATCH-l is to discuss the web and how users of access technology can tap the information on the web. Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:

    1. New web sites of interest to users of access technology either because they make information available that was previously only available in print or because they are of a general interest to the access technology field.
    2. Web sites that either are or are not particularly friendly to users of access technology, such as screen readers.
    3. Techniques for making a particular web browser work better with different access technology.
    4. Coordination of advocacy efforts to make web sites more accessible.

    To subscribe to the WebWatch-l listserv, send an E-mail message to WebWatch-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE WEBWATCH-l in the body of your message, leaving the subject field blank. ​

  • WinBridge is the support list for Syntha-Voice’s Window Bridge screen-reader, which operates in both the Windows and DOS environments.

    To subscribe to the WinBridge listserv, send an E-mail message to WINBRIDGE-l listserv and type: SUBSCRIBE userid@domain in the BODY of a message–substituting your complete, valid email address for “userid@domain”. ​​

Portions of this file are protected by copyright 1996-2000, oedipal enterprises, (very) ltd. a project of cyber-seeing-i P

Permission is granted to reproduce and redistribute this list in any and every manner whatsoever, at no charge and in its entirety, provided that: The copies are not used for commercial advantage The URL, , is cited in full The above acknowledgements are not removed or altered in any manner, and That this copyright notice is included in its entirety in all copies, so that the recipients of such copies are equally bound to abide by the present conditions.

The purpose of this copyright notice is to protect your right to make free copies of this document for your friends and colleagues, to prevent publishers from using it for commercial advantage, and to prevent ill-meaning people from altering the meaning of the document by changing or removing a few paragraphs, sentences, phrases, or words.

If you find any of the information contained in this web-page is incorrect or is in need of updating or, if you know of other emailing lists of interest to persons who are blind or sight-impaired, their friends or family, and/or professionals in the blindness/vision loss field, please contact us so we can update this list. List-owners who would like expanded descriptions of their lists or its features are also invited to contact us.​​